Classic Cocktails

April 14, 2009

By Lisa Condrey

Everybody loves a martini every now and then, they are cute and easy to make yet pack a lot of punch. But what about learning to creating the martini? Not everybody can afford going to the bar for a cocktail, so why not learn to make it for yourself?

They are simple and sophisticated, but complex as well . There give you a sense of mystery when you drink them. And with their many sub-types, you can always be sure that you find the exact right one.

Don?t forget to look up online all the types of martinis out there before you make them. You might get ideas for new ones or you may find one that catches your eye. So be sure to take a note pad and pen with you, when you look them up!

So what do you need to make that cute little martini that you are dying for? Well you need a few items first. A martini shaker and martini glass are in order for you to make them, along with alcohol.

Don?t forget to ask your guest if they want it Shaken or Stirred? Some like it have it stirred instead of shaken, as they feel that shaken makes it bruised. So be sure to keep that in mind, as you make them.

Put lots on ice in the martini shaker and pour a few drops of vermouth in it. Shake well and pour in glass. Choose to keep it in the glass(wet) or dump it after you coat the martini glass(dry).

Put the ice in the martini shaker and pour some type vermouth in it. Shake well with ice and pour it into the glass and roll in it the glass to coat the inside well.

If you want fun flavors, make sure you put them in with the gin and shake well. Add salt and whatever else you like into the martini glass. Then you have the perfect martini.

Add the extras or garnish you want to add, and sit back to drink it. Maybe even make a batch of them and call over your friends and family for a round of drinks?

Most of all though, you should be able to enjoy your martinis and have fun while making them. Without fun and laughter, they lack a key ingredient to them.

Please drink responsibly when drinking any type of alcohol drinks.

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